Privacy Policy

All original information on this site is prepared and copyrighted by Jaguar Owners Club of Oregon hereafter referred to as JOCO. All links to other websites are for the convenience of the viewer only, and JOCO makes no representations or warranties with regard to the information contained on any other websites nor the accuracy of the information contained therein.

JOCO publishes this website to provide general information regarding the association, and its members and activities, for JOCO members and guests. This website contains both specific and general information, but does not offer any guarantee, stated or implied, for accuracy.

Use of the information on this website shall not establish a business relationship, and shall not constitute an offer on the part of JOCO. None of the information on this website shall be nor should it be construed as advice applicable to any particular circumstance. If you are seeking specific advice, you should contact the corresponding organization representative or, for technical issues, a qualified professional.

Technical Content and any technical information presented on this website is submitted by members or other users of this site for general informational or reference purposes only. JOCO is not responsible for inaccuracies, errors or omissions. Users are strongly recommended to contact qualified persons regarding any technical or legal issues, or consult appropriate factory repair or maintenance manuals or other manufacturer reference works. Persons using this site rely on any technical information at their own risk. JOCO makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, with regard to any such technical information.

Links to other pages: Links either to or from this website do not constitute a referral or recommendation. This site contains links to websites maintained by other businesses and organizations. The links on this site are provided merely as a convenience, and JOCO does not provide any warranty about the accuracy or source of the information contained on any of these websites nor the content of any file the user might download from such sites. Following links to or from any website, or downloading or utilizing information from any website is strictly at the user’s own risk.

This site also provides links to other Associations and organizations that are affiliated with JOCO.  JOCO does not guarantee or endorse any information contained on the websites of such organizations, nor does JOCO by providing such links assume any responsibility for the acts, conduct or omissions of any such Associations or organizations.

The e-mail links on this website are intended as a convenient means to contact JOCO and designated officials and members for JOCO related purposes only. Be aware that Internet e-mail messages are not totally secure; therefore, confidential information should not be included in e-mail messages. Any use of the e-mail links included on this website for purposes of solicitation, including their use as a medium for advertising products and/or services by anyone, is strictly prohibited. Any person or firm violating this policy will be barred from accessing this website and may be subject to appropriate legal action to enforce this prohibition to the fullest extent of the law.

This website and websites of some Associations or organizations identified or linked through this site may provide resource information including identifying contractors or suppliers of goods and/or services. JOCO does not guarantee or endorse any information contained on the websites of such organizations or the companies so identified, nor does JOCO by providing such links assume any responsibility for the acts, conduct or omissions of any such Associations or organizations, or the companies so identified. JOCO does not make any representations or warranties with regard to the abilities, capabilities or qualifications of any companies who may be identified through this site.

Trademarks: The names of companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.

Reservation of Other Rights:  Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved to JOCO. JOCO reserves the right to modify, alter or otherwise update this policy at any time. JOCO otherwise reserves the right to limit or exclude users from accessing this site or any portions thereof for any reason deemed appropriate by JOCO in its sole and exclusive judgment. Access to this site is considered a privilege granted by JOCO, not a right of any member, guest or visitor to this site, and may be revoked at any time, with or without notice or stated reason, as set forth herein.

Privacy Policy: JOCO is committed to protecting our users’ privacy. To that end, we offer this statement to inform our users of how we define, gather and utilize personally identifiable information. JOCO will take reasonable steps to protect member privacy consistent with the guidelines set forth in this policy and the law. JOCO defines personally identifiable information as information that includes any combination of the following: a person’s full name, address, telephone number and/or email address.

JOCO can gather information on our users in three different ways: 1.You supply it in a “Forum” message 2. Email to us  3. Request Email notification from our Classifieds listings

JOCO collects personally identifiable information from users when voluntarily submitted by a user, such as an email or “Classifieds notification.” A user must be 18 years of age or older before submitting personally identifiable information and we ask minors to get permission from their parents or legal guardian before submitting personally identifiable information. However, we do not track the email addresses of those who request email notification from the message forums or classifieds. With this in mind, we may use information collected only from item “1.”

JOCO utilizes cookie technology solely for the purpose of remembering display settings if you visit our message forums. We do not collect cookie information. JOCO does not distribute personally identifiable information collected to parties outside the JOCO. JOCO may use email addresses or other personally identifiable information to contact users who directly communicate with the JOCO . For example, JOCO may contact users to notify them of an upcoming club event or to provide requested information.

The Message Forums are intended to be for entertainment only. JOCO does not control how these other Forum users may use information contained within posted messages. JOCO will remove, without notification, any message it deems inappropriate as determined within the sole and exclusive judgment of JOCO. Users are strongly encouraged to refrain from posting profanity, slander, libel, discussions of libelous acts, other offensive or inappropriate information or materials, or subjects unrelated to JOCO activities.

JOCO encourages users to be smart about choosing when and to whom to release information online. JOCO reserves the right to modify, alter or otherwise update this policy at any time, so users are encouraged to review this policy from time to time. Questions regarding either the Legal Disclaimer or the Privacy Policy should be directed to the current President of JOCO.

Last Revision JOCO 2015

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