Proposed Amendment to JOCO Bylaws

Proposed Amendment to JOCO Bylaws

JOCO needs to make changes, that position the Club to stay current and relevant to our membership base. This is in reference to an overall decline participation and membership and specifically in reference to members willing to serve on the Board. On admittedly rare occasions, the Club has had Associate Members (person or persons who do not currently own a Jaguar motorcar) willing to hold office within the club (e.g. serve on the Board). However, Article III, Section 1 (C) states: “An Associate member shall be governed by the same rules and regulations and entitled to the same benefits as regular members, save and except that Associate members shall not be entitled to vote or hold office.”

   Carl Foleen would like to propose that this be amended to state something to the effect that “The Board, at its discretion, and by an unanimous vote of all Board Members and Officers may suspend this rule in the specific instance where an Associate member is willing to become a Club Officer and serve the full term of office for the vacant position for which no regular member can be found to fill said vacancy.”

Any and all comments should be heard and considered before this proposal (however amended or changed) can be voted on (and hopefully passed) by those attending our upcoming AGM. Please contact any board member or officer with questions or concerns.

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